
Monday, 23 April 2012

Never Quit

Follow this link and be inspired!


What's your Goal.
I have a Coach and he says if you are not going to be No.1 or 2 in what you intend to do, try something else.
Look for the field where you'll shine, where you'll excel, where you'll be a Master.
Let this be your Goal!


Richard Branson once said
"Ideas are like buses, there's always one around the corner"

How many ideas came to your mind today?Perhaps tens or hundreds...
How many are you working on,maybe one....
Happy? Sad?Disappointed?
And if you are observant, many of the ideas that come to your mind today, you'll find them implemented by someone, somewhere in this season, and you'll grimace at a missed opportunity.
I believe when an idea comes to your mind, that idea is ready to be birthed and is looking for a mother or vessel.
It goes around from person to person until it finds the perfect conduscive vessel to deliver it.
Ever heard of Luck is when Opportunity meets Preparedness, well its about the same idea.
All you have to do is prepare.
So, what are you going to prepare? Land, Money, Time and until when will you hoard your resources for that Idea.
I'd rather you prepared by having yourself a Clear Vision and Life Purpose, knowing your Destination and Living in the Present or staying in the moment.

That way, when the Idea with whose mother you were destined to be comes along, you'll surely recognize it from among the many and gladly go to the Labor Ward to bring forth the Fruit!

Small is Sweet,Simple is Beautiful!

 For long, I've postponed posting on this blog because I wanted to post a well thought out piece. Well here it is;
Am glad to be finally doing what I set out to do when I created this blog, share my story and get people to share their stories too.It begins now,as long as am Alive, I'll share;
Am celebrating every step in my journey and am loving it.
Am sending this gift to you, its best enjoyed by sharing...